How to resolve “No space left on device" error

One day, we discovered that our website couldn’t be logged into because the server didn’t have enough space. And the following error was displayed:

Unknown: write failed: No space left on device (28)

Error response from daemon: write /var/lib/docker/image/overlay2/.tmp-repositories.json080576339: no space left on device

ChatGpt give us some solution, as follows:

First, we need to check server’s disk space:

df -h

We found that the disk space was already 100% used.

Next, please check the server log.

du -h /var/log/

We discovered that the journal log was too large, exceeding 2.6GB in size.

Therefore, we should either clear the server logs or delete temporary files.

sudo rm -rf /tmp/*

sudo rm -rf /var/log/*

We noticed that the log has been successfully cleared.

We can set the journal vacuum size to 1GB.

sudo journalctl --vacuum-size=1G


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